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When It Looks Like Your Eye Is Bleeding
We commonly see patients who come in saying that their eyes are bleeding.The patient is usually referring to the white p...
Your Eye Floaters and You
Do you have floaters in your vision?Floaters are caused by thick areas in the gel-like fluid that fills the back cavity...
How Eye Pressure Is Measured
A common question asked during the eye exam is, “When is the puff coming?”  Patients are referring to a...
When the White of Your Eye Turns Red
We commonly see patients who come in saying that their eyes are bleeding.The patient is usually referring to the white p...
Diabetic Retinopathy ABC's
Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that can affect the retina of people who have diabetes.The retina is the light-...
just for presbyopes article

Presbyopia is a Latin term for "old man eyes." This condition actually begins in your late 20s and slowly causes close vision loss. Most people develop symptoms after age 35--these symptoms include eyestrain and blurry vision while reading. Often presbyopia causes people to push objects further away to view them clearly. The treatment for presbyopia includes glasses and contact lenses, laser procedures, and other surgical procedures.

Reading glasses, bifocals, trifocals, or progressive multifocal blended lenses are all options to treat and correct presbyopia with glasses.

Soft, rigid, gas permeable, or a combination of these materials can treat presbyopia with contact lenses. Many surgical and laser techniques are used to treat presbyopia with new technology developing every year for this emerging population.